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  • THE Water Heater Company

Earthquake Valves

If your California home has a natural gas line serving it, consider adding an automatic shut-off valve. These valves, called earthquake valves, automatically stop the flow of gas to your home when a significant seismic event occurs. Learn more about earthquake shut-off valves and the benefits of installing them.

Earthquake Valves

Benefits of Using Earthquake Valves

Earthquake valves, also called seismic valves, provide several benefits to homeowners who live in areas where seismic activity is possible, including:

  • Preventing leaks from a cracked or broken natural gas line after a seismic event
  • Reducing the risk of fire or explosion from a natural gas leak after an earthquake
  • Including buttons that allow the restoration of the flow of natural gas once everything is safe
  • Introducing an added level of protection from earthquake damage
  • Providing a design that requires minimal maintenance

As an additional benefit of installing one of these devices, it measures the specific seismic activity at your home. A particularly strong quake in your local area may not affect the regional natural gas distribution center. Even if the distribution center doesn’t shut off the flow of gas, your home receives protection.

Ultimately, earthquake valves provide an extra layer of protection for your family. Because of the inability to predict earthquakes, you never know when strong seismic activity will strike. Having an automated shut-off device on your gas line ensures that you are protecting your property from sudden seismic events.

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How Earthquake Valves Work

When your home experiences an earthquake above a certain seismic level or magnitude, the earthquake valve automatically turns off the natural gas supply entering your home. Should any of your gas-powered appliances inside the home break or shift violently during the seismic event, they won’t cause a gas leak because the earthquake valve will have already turned off the supply as a protective measure.

The earthquake valve’s design includes both motion-sensing and pressure-sensing capabilities:

  • During significant ground movement, the device’s shut-off switch falls into place. 
  • If the device senses a change in the pressure of the natural gas flow, which could indicate damage to the supply line, it also cuts off the flow of gas.

The earthquake valve only triggers when the seismic activity is strong enough to potentially cause damage to natural gas lines or appliances.

Which Valve Do You Need?

If you are considering buying an earthquake valve, the team at THE Water Heater Company can help. We can recommend the type and brand of valve that will best suit your property. 

We’ll source the valve for you from our supplier. All earthquake valves we source match all local and state testing requirements. We only source ASCE 25-16 compliant devices that include an emergency manual shut-off capability.

Local Requirements for Installing Earthquake Valves

The California Building Code (CBC) does not mandate the installation of earthquake valves as part of earthquake risk management procedures.

However, some local municipalities, including the city of Los Angeles, do require the use of these devices in new construction projects. If you ever do a major renovation at your home or have work done on the gas line or meter, local regulations may require the addition of an earthquake valve.

If you are unsure whether your property must install an earthquake valve, reach out to THE Water Heater Company. We can provide advice to ensure your project follows all local codes.

Should You Install an Earthquake Valve?

Even if your local regulations do not require the use of earthquake valves in emergency preparedness efforts, you can still choose to install one. In fact, our technicians regularly install these devices throughout our service area. 

The devices provide peace of mind during a major seismic event. If you are not home or cannot reach your natural gas shut-off valve during an earthquake, it will protect your home.

Additionally, some insurance companies require the installation of these earthquake-preparedness devices. You might receive a discount on your premiums by voluntarily installing earthquake valves. 

Call THE Water Heater Company for Help With Earthquake Valves

Only qualified professionals may install earthquake valves for customers. Installing these devices requires the correct tools and know-how to ensure they work properly if significant seismic activity occurs. A qualified installer can also ensure the installation doesn’t damage the gas line.

For help with installation or to ask questions about earthquake valves, trust THE Water Heater Company. Our professional technicians install these earthquake protection devices according to all required codes.

Don’t wait to get in touch with us

We want to help assist you now so you won’t have any worries later. Take action by selecting the number below for Earthquake Valves assistance today!
Here are some helpful questions your community has asked about Earthquake Valves and services relating to them. If you have a question that is not answered, reach out to us today at 877-798-7487. You never know when others are facing the same issues!

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    Their technician Gonzo, was clearly very competent and more importantly, he took the time and effort to do a really fantastic job.

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    Kevin did a great job on replacing my old leaky yet still working water heater. He answered all my questions and explained all the details.
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    They have repaired my water heater, installed a hot water recirculating pump, and now installed a new water heater.
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    It took a little over three hours but no management was necessary as the guys were very competent and clearly have been doing this for a long time.

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